Name: Professor Dr Kamarul Zaman Bin Ahmad
Current Occupation : Professor of Management, Retired
(Previously a Faculty and Former Chairman of PhD Committee & Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Business & Accountancy, University Malaya.)
Dr Kamarul is a Certified Trainer and Master Practitioner of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Time Lines and Hypnotherapy), currently training under ABNLP and INLPCA
Email :
1974 -1978 O - Levels Raffles Institution, Singapore
1979 - 1981 A - Levels Chester College of Further Education, UK
1981 - 1984 B.A. (Hons.) Law Leeds University UK
1985 - 1986 Bar-at-Law Lincolns Inn, London, UK
1993 - 1996 MBA University Malaya
1996 -1997 ICSA Self-study, Malaysia
1997 - 2001 PhD Manchester Business School,
University of Manchester, UK
Times Higher Education No. 33 World University Rankings
PhD Thesis on Business Psychology.
Title: The association between person, work environment, job satisfaction and performance
SUBJECT TAUGHT at PhD level in University of Dubai
1.Research methods - structural equation modeling using SmartPLS
2. Leadership
3. Organizational Behavior
4. Management Theory
2. Organisational Behaviour
3.Training Management
4.Human Resources
5.Business Research Methods & SPSS
1. Faculty of Science (Research Methodology)
2) Institute of Public Policy and Management i.e. INPUMA (Research Methodology, People Skills, Leadership and Emotional Intelligence)
1.University Putra Malaysia
3.University of Hawaii (external MBA program held in Malaysia)
4.Irish International University (external MBA program held in Malaysia)
5.University of Portsmouth (external MSc program held in Malaysia)
6.University of Wales (external MBA program held in Malaysia)
7.University of Herriot Watt (external MBA program held in Malaysia)
1. Full Professor - University of Dubai (2016-2023)
2. Associate Professor - Abu Dhabi University (2010-2015)
3. Senior Lecturer University of Malaya (2001-2010)
4.Human Resources Admin & Legal Manager (1997- 4 months)
5.Freelance lecturer (1996-1997)
6.Business Development Manager (1996 – 5 months)
7.Lawyer (1986 – 1996)
1.University Malaya SLAB (for PhD)
2.University Malaya Biasiswazah (for MBA)
3.MARA [for Bar-at-Law & B.A.(Hons.) Law]
(Updated last July 2024)
Ahmad, K. Z., Tabche, I., & Behery, M. (2024). The Interplay between Person-Environment Fit, Empowerment and Job Satisfaction: A Moderation Effect of Leader-Member-Exchange. International Journal of Organizational Analysis (in press). (Scopus Q2, ADCB ranked B).
Behery, M., Tabche, I & Ahmad, K. Z. (2024). Resonant Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Moderated-Mediation. Analysis of Followers' Resilience. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. Vol. 73 No. 1, pp. 18-42. (SCOPUS Q1) (ABDC B).
Arunprasad, P., Chitfra, Dey; Nivethitha Santhanam; & Ahmad, K. Z. (26 March 2023). Strategic HRM Practices, Learning Orientation and Learning Competence: Study from Retail Industry. The Learning Organization. In press. (SCOPUS Q1) (ABDC C).
AlMutawa, S.E., Ahmad, K.Z., Behery, M.H., & Tabche, I. (2023), (2023). A Moderated-Mediation Model for Examining the Impact of Fear of Pandemic on Employees’ Turnover Intention in Dubai's Hospitality and Tourism Industry. Journal of Asia Business Studies. Vol. 17 No. 5, pp. 971-991. (SCOPUS Q1 top 10%) (ABDC C)
Alshamsi, S., Ahmad, K. Z. & Jasimuddin, S (2022). The relationship between Curiosity and Innovative Work Behavior in the Aviation Industry: The Mediating Effect of Work Engagement. International Journal of Organizational Analysis. 0(0). (SCOPUS Q2) (ABDC B)
Alshamsi, S., Ahmad, K. Z. & Jasimuddin, S (2022). Curiosity, proactive personality, organisational culture and work engagement in the aviation industry in the UAE during Covid-19: A non-probabilistic moderated-mediation model. Journal of General Management (SCOPUS Q3, ABDC ranked B).
Ahmad, K. Z. B., & Jasimuddin, S. M. (2021). The Linkage between Communication Satisfaction, Human Resources Management Practices, Person-Organization Fit, and Commitment: Evidence from Malaysia. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 0(0), 1-15. (SCOPUS Q2) (ABDC B).
Ahmad, K.Z.B. (2019). Examining the Effectiveness of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques in improving Emotional Intelligence (EI) scores. Journal of Research in Emerging Markets, 1(1). DOI:
Ahmad, K. Z. B., Jasimudin, S. M. & Wang, L. K. (2018). Organizational climate and job satisfaction: do employees’ personalities matter? Management Decision, 56(2), 421-440.
Shaikh, M. W. & Ahmad, K. Z. B. (2018). Factors affecting Happiness of Expatriate Academicians and Expatriate Non-Academicians in Dubai, a comparative study. International Review of Advances in Business Management and Law, 1(1). ISSN 2616-4272. Available online at
Mohamed, M.A.M. & Ahmad, K. Z. B. (2017). Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Authentic Leadership and Organizational Justice Interplay in UAE Police Sector: Moral Values as a moderator. International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS), 3(6). (not ABDC)
AlZaabi M.S.A., Ahmad, K.Z., & Hossan, C. (2016). Authentic leadership, work engagement and organizational citizenship behaviors in petroleum company. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 65(6), 811-830. (B ranked Journal in ABDC, ABS, SCOPUS, Thomson Reuters Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
Wee, Y. G., Ahmad, K. Z. & Yap, S. F. (2014). Reducing Employees’ Turnover Intention through HR-Induced Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Institutions and Economies, 6(2), 79-104. (SCOPUS)
Ahmad, K. Z. (Jan 2014). Gender Differences and Work-Related Communication in the UAE. International Journal of Business and Management, 9(3), (ABDC list ranked C).
Ahmad, K. Z. (Nov, 2013). Lying Eyes: The Truth about NLP eye patterns and their relationship with Academic Performance in Business and Management Studies (MBA). International Journal of Business and Management, 8(23), 67-74. (ABDC list ranked C).
Ahmad, K. Z. (Aug 2012). An empirical test of the propositions by Gray and Tannen relating to Gender communication in Malaysia. Asian Social Science, 8(11), 250-263 (SCOPUS). (ABDC list ranked C).
Ahmad. K. Z., & Veerapandian, K. (March 2012). The Mediating Effect of Person-Environment Fit on the Relationship between Organisational Culture and Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 4(1), 91-102.
Ahmad. K. Z. (Feb 2012). The mediating effect of person-environment fit on the relationship between organisational culture and staff turnover. Asian Social Science, 8(2) 62-71(SCOPUS) (ABDC list ranked C).
Ahmad, K. Z. (July 2011). Alternatives to simply forgiving and forgetting: examining techniques in hypnosis, NLP and Time Line TherapyTM in reducing the intensity of negative emotions attached to memories of stressful events. Stress and Health, 27(3), 241-250. (ISI; ABDC ranked A-Class Journal).
Wee, Y. G. & Ahmad, K. Z. (Dec 2011). Reducing employees’ turnover intention through HR-induced Organizational Citizenship behaviour: Leader-member exchange as the mediator. International Journal of Business and Social Research, 1(1), 70-93.
Ahmad. K. Z., Veerapandian, K., & Wee, Y. G. (Nov 2011). Person-environment fit: the missing link in the organisational culture-commitment relationship. International Journal of Business and Management, 6(11), 11-20. (ABDC list ranked C).
Ahmad, K. Z. (Sept 2011). Group size as a moderator of the effect of equity sensitivity on job satisfaction. International Journal of Management, 28(3), 716-729.
Ahmad, K. Z. (May 2011). Warmth in groups and satisfaction with supervision. International Journal of Business and Management, 6(5), 129-136. DOI: 10.5539/ijbm.v6n5p129. (ABDC list ranked C).
Ahmad, K. Z. (April 2011). The association between training and organisational citizenship behaviour in the Digital World. Communications of the IBIMA, Vol 2011, Article ID 448699, 11 pages, DOI: 10.5171/2011.448699. (ABDC list ranked C).
Ahmad, K. Z. (April 2011). The new age complimenting the digital age: Using hypnosis, NLP and Time Line TherapyTM techniques to reduce negative emotions among people involved with information technology. Journal of Organizational Knowledge Management, Vol 2011, Article ID 200974, 8 pages, DOI: 10.5171/2011.200974.
Ahmad, K. Z. (Dec 2010). Pay equity sensitivity and person-environment fit. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 2(2), 127-135.
Ahmad, K. Z. (Dec 2010). An investigation of objective person-environment fit: the dark side of intelligence. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 2(2), 81-89.
Ahmad, K. Z. (June 2010). Person-environment fit: a critical review of previous studies and a proposal for future research. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 2(1), 71-78.
Ahmad, K. Z. (March 2010). Aligning military and soldiers’ value hierarchy. International Journal of Business and Management, 5(3) 62-69. (ABDC list ranked C).
Ahmad, K. Z. (Jan 2010). Person-environment fit approach to intolerance of inequity and free-riders. International Business Research, 3(1), 35-42.
Ahmad, K. Z., & Rethinam, K. (Dec 2010). Mars Venus and Gray: gender communication. International Business Research, 3(2), 24-33.
Lee, H. Y., & Ahmad, K. Z. (2009). The moderating effects of organizational culture on the relationships between leadership behaviour and organizational commitment and between organisation commitment and job satisfaction and performance. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 30(1), 53-86. (SCOPUS) (ABDC ranked B Journal).
Thiruchelvam, K., & Ahmad, K. Z. (Dec 2008). Attracting scientific and technical talents from abroad: The Malaysian Experience. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 16(2), 113-132. (ISI)
Ahmad, K. Z. (Sept 2008). Work value congruence and satisfaction at work: Is western concept applicable to a developing country such as Malaysia. Asian Journal of Business & Accounting, 1(1), 131-156. (SCOPUS) (ABDC ranked C).
Ahmad, K. Z. (Jan 2008). Relationship between leader-subordinate personality congruence and performance and satisfaction in the UK. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 29(5/6), 396-411. (SCOPUS) (B ranked journal)
Ahmad, K. Z., Aliman, N.K., Mahdzan, N.S.A., Kamarudin, M.A., Peng, C.Y. & Nandita, T. (2004). Emotional stability and perception of job security in the services sector in Malaysia. Malaysian Management Journal, 8(2), 1-15
Ahmad, K. Z. (2003). The association between ethical decision-making, job satisfaction, organisational commitment, and selected demographic variables. Malaysian Management Journal, 7(2), 1-11.
Ahmad, K. Z., & Bakar, R. A. (2003). The association between training and organisational commitment among white collar workers in Malaysia. The International Journal of Training and Development, 7(3), 166-185. (ABDC ranked C)
Ahmad, K. Z., & Khairuddin, M.M. (2003). Person-environment fit perceptions and satisfaction at work (2003). Malaysian Management Journal, 7(1), 35-46.
Ahmad, K. Z. (2002). The association between sensitivity, group size and satisfaction. Malaysian Management Journal, 6(1), 53-61.
1) "Empower Yourself Through NLP, Time LineTherapy Tm
and Hypnotherapy"
2) "PhD: The Pursuit of Excellence"
3) "So You Want To Get A PHD"
4) Managing people for success and satisfaction (2002, ISDN: 0 9513973 05) by Ingleton & Ahmad. Special Interest Publications, Leicestershire.
1. Ahmad, K. Z. (2022). Fit and congruence with organizational culture. In: C. Newton & R. Knight, eds. Handbook of Research Methods for Organizational Culture. Cheltenham (Gloucestershire): Edward Elgar, pp. 39-51.
2. Wee, Y.G. Ahmad, K.Z. & Yap, S.F. (2011). Chapter in book: Adoption of Business Strategy and High Involvement Human Resource Practices. Entrepreneurial Education and Entrepreneurship in Malaysia, Book of Readings, Vol. 2, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.
Ahmad, K. Z. (2022). Empowerment in Malaysia and the moderating effect of training. International Conference on Advances in Business and Law, University of Dubai, Dubai, UAE, 26 & 27 Nov 2022.
Abeer Al Sumaithi & Ahmad, K.Z. (2021). Leader-Member Exchange (LMX), Work Engagement and Job Satisfaction Among Selected Employees In The United Arab Emirates During The Early Stages Of The Pandemic. International Conference on Advances in Business and Law, University of Dubai, Dubai, UAE, 27 & 28 Nov 2021.
Wafa Al Kaabi. & Ahmad, K.Z. (2021). Job Insecurity, Satisfaction and Commitment Among Salespeople In The United Arab Emirates During The Early Stages Of The Pandemic. International Conference on Advances in Business and Law, University of Dubai, Dubai, UAE, 27 & 28 Nov 2021.
Ahmad, K. Z. (2020). Is HR Analytics Racial Profiling? Bane or Boon? International Conference on Advances in Business and Law, University of Dubai, Dubai, UAE, 21 & 22 Nov 2020.
Ahmad, K. Z. & Kamarul, N. S. (2020). The Association between Telecommuting Congruence, and Satisfaction during the COVID-19 Pandemic – Job Autonomy as mediator. International Conference on Advances in Business and Law, University of Dubai, Dubai, UAE, 21 & 22 Nov 2020.
Kamarul, K. S. & Ahmad, K. Z. (2019). Authentic Leadership and Knowledge Sharing - Organizational Justice As Mediator And Extrinsic And Intrinsic Motivation As Moderators: A Conceptual Paper. International Conference on Advances in Business and Law, University of Dubai, Dubai, UAE, 23 & 24 Nov 2019.
Chua W. I., Bakar, R. A., & Ahmad, K. Z. B. (2018). The Antecedents of Work-Related Stress – A Study of Generation Y Workers in the Klang Valley, Malaysia. International Conference on Advances in Business Management and Law, University of Dubai, Dubai, UAE, 24 & 25 Nov 2018.
Shahryari, Y. S. & Ahmad, K. Z. B. (2018). The relationship between workplace incivility, emotional exhaustion, hope, and employee turnover intention in Dubai retail SME’s. International Conference on Advances in Business Management and Law, University of Dubai, Dubai, UAE, 24 & 25 Nov 2018.
Sultan S. S. & Ahmad, K. Z. B. (2018). The Impact of Proactive Personality on Innovative Work Behavior and Work Engagement in the UAE Aviation Industry. International Conference on Advances in Business Management and Law, University of Dubai, Dubai, UAE, 24 & 25 Nov 2018
Ahmad, K. Z. B. (2017). Improving Emotional Intelligence (EI) using Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques. International Conference on Advances in Business Management and Law, University of Dubai, Dubai, UAE, 25 & 25 Nov 2017.
Mohamed, M.A.M. & Ahmad, K. Z. B. (2017). Theoretical Paper: the moderating effect of Moral Values on the relationship between Authentic Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the Police Force. International Conference on Advances in Business Management and Law, University of Dubai, Dubai, UAE, 25 & 25 Nov 2017.
Shahryari, Y. & Ahmad, K. Z. B. (2017). The moderating impact of resilience on the relationship between workplace incivility and turnover intentions: a proposed study in Dubai retail SME’s. International Conference on Advances in Business Management and Law, University of Dubai, Dubai, UAE, 25 & 25 Nov 2017.
Al Shehhi, S. R. & Ahmad, K. Z. B. (2017). How an Innovative Climate can motivate an Entrepreneur. International Conference on Advances in Business Management and Law, University of Dubai, Dubai, UAE, 25 & 25 Nov 2017.
Shaikh, M. W. & Ahmad, K. Z. B. (2017). Factors affecting Happiness of Expatriate Academicians and Expatriate Non-Academicians in Dubai, a comparative study. International Conference on Advances in Business Management and Law, University of Dubai, Dubai, UAE, 25 & 25 Nov 2017.
Mohamed, M.A.M. & Ahmad, K. Z. B. (2017). Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Authentic Leadership and Organizational Justice Interplay in UAE Police Sector: Moral Values as a moderator. Researchfora International Conference, Dubai, UAE, 2nd -3rd April 2017. (Best paper award)
Ahmad, K. Z. B. & Jasimuddin, S. M. (2017). The moderating role of employees’ personalities in linking organizational climate and job satisfaction. Proceedings of the Second Bi-annual Conference of the Bangladesh Academy of Business Administration (BABA), Dhaka, the Center for Advanced Studies in Management from 5 to 7 January 2017.
Ahmad, K.Z. & Seck, M. (2014). Person-Environment Fit as a Gap Analysis – a Targeted Approach. International Journal of Arts & Sciences’ (IJAS) International Conference for Academic Disciplines at Anglo-American University, Lázeňská 4, 118 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, from 10 to 13 June 2014.
Ahmad, K.Z. & Karim, A. H. A. (2014). The Specificity of Person-Environment Fit. International Journal of Arts & Sciences’ (IJAS) International Conference for Academic Disciplines at Anglo-American University, Lázeňská 4, 118 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, from 10 to 13 June 2014.
Ahmad, K.Z. (2013). Frogs into Princes: Do Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques improve Emotional Intelligence? Paper presented at the International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Austria Trend Hotel Ananas, Vienna, Austria 15-18 April.
Ahmad, K.Z. (2013). It’s all in the eyes: NLP eye patterns and their relationship with academic performance. Paper presented at the International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Austria Trend Hotel Ananas, Vienna, Austria 15-18 April.
Wee, Y.G., Ibrahim, M.D., Ahmad, K.Z. & Yap, S.F. (2011). Promoting Organizational Citizenship Behaviour through High Involvement Human Resource Practices: An Attempt to Reduce Turnover Intention. Paper presented at the Annual International Conference on Human Resource Management and Professional Development for the Digital Age, 7 - 8 November, Singapore.
Ahmad, K. Z. (2011). Do dominant workers expect to be promoted? Interacting effect of group size. First International Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences (ERPBSS). Pullman Hotel, Dubai, UAE. November 22nd-24th.
Ahmad, K. Z., Kayathry a/p Veerapandian, & Wee, Y. G. (2011). Person-environment fit: the missing link in the organisational culture-turnover relationship. First International Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Sciences (ERPBSS). Pullman Hotel, Dubai, UAE. November 22nd-24th.
Wee. Y.G., & Ahmad, K. Z. (2010). How do in-store environmental cues influence Malaysian shoppers? A study of hypermarket customers in Malaysia. The Asian and Business Management Conference. The New Otani Hotel, Osaka, Japan. October 7-9.
Ahmad, K. Z. (2010). Examining the effectiveness of techniques in NLP, Hypnosis and Time Line TherapyTM in removing negative emotions from past memories. The Second International Neuro-Linguistic Programming Research Conference, in partnership with Cardiff University, UK, and Intentional CIC, 3rd July.
Ahmad, K. Z. (2010). Training as a way to promote organisational citizenship behaviour in the digital world. The 14th IBIMA International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 23-24th June.
Ahmad, K. Z. (2010). The marriage of digital age and new age: Using Hypnosis, NLP and Time Line TherapyTM Techniques to reduce negative emotions among people involved with information technology. The 14th IBIMA International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 23-24th June.
Wee, Y. G. & Ahmad, K. Z. (2009). Promoting organizational citizenship behaviour through perceived organizational justice: leader-member exchange and trust as mediators. Curtin International Business Conference, 10 - 12 Dec, Curtin University of Technology, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Ahmad, K. Z. (2008). Relationship between leader subordinate personality congruence and performance and satisfaction in the UK. International Conference on Global Research in Business and Economics. 28-30 December, Bangkok Thailand.
Ahmad, K. Z. (2008). The association between training and organizational citizenship. International Conference on Global Research in Business and Economics. 28-30 December, Bangkok Thailand.
Ahmad, K. Z., Awang, Z., Wong, C. C., Tan, K. C. & Mohamad, I. A. F. (2007). The Impact of Cultural and Structural Characteristics of Innovation on Malaysia. Uniten Conference, Melaka, Malaysia.
Ahmad, K. Z., & Khok, L. K (2007). The Association between Transformational Leadership, Self Esteem and Job Satisfaction. APC Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Ahmad, K. Z., Aliman, N. K. Mahdzan, N. S. A. Kamarudin, M. A., Peng, C. Y., & Nandita, T. (2005). The IT industry – The Quest for Emotional Stability in an Insane World. UM-FBA Asian Business Conference, Park Royal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.
Thiruchelvam K., & Ahmad, K. Z. (2004). Attracting Scientific and Technical Talent from Abroad: Lessons for Malaysia. The 4th International Malaysian Studies Conference (MSC4), UKM Bangi.
Ahmad, K. Z. (2004). Work Value Congruence and Satisfaction at Work: Is Western Concept Applicable to a Developing Country such as Malaysia? Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development Conference. Gold Coast International Hotel, Queensland, Australia.
Ahmad, K. Z. (2003). Person-Environment Fit: A Critical Review of the Previous Studies and a Proposal for Future Research. EPUK conference, The Scott Sutherland School, The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen Scotland.
Ahmad, K. Z. (2003). The Association between Intelligence, Group Size and Satisfaction (Workplace): A Logistic Regression Analysis. EPUK conference, The Scott Sutherland School, The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen Scotland.
Ahmad, K. Z. (2001). Superior-Subordinate Fit: An Extension of the Supplementary Fit Model. The 7TH Asia Pacific Conference, Citidel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Ahmad, K. Z. (2000). Superior-Subordinate Fit: An Extension of the Supplementary Fit Model. The Federal School of Management Conference, Manchester UK (won prize for best abstract).
1.Leadership and Job satisfaction in Granics Sdn. Bhd. (2003).
2.Enhancing Human Capital using The Malaysian Returning Scientist Program – problem identification and recommendations (2002). Client: The Ministry of Science and Technology (MOSTE).
1. Leadership and Emotional Intelligence for Nigerian Delegates at INPUMA
2. NLP Negotiation for strategic alliance
3. Three-day Management retreat conducted on Protons managers at Malacca in which extreme activities such as fire-walking, fire-eating, walking barefoot on broken glass and extinguishing fire with bare hands were included.
4. Interviewing skills 2-day training workshop for Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam (SPA) April 2004.
5. One day workshop on research methodology and report writing for Malaysian Insurance Institute - March 2004
6.Interviewing skills one-day training workshop for Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) February 2004.
7.Training on “People Skills” (Teambuilding, Emotional Quotient and Self-Development) for PROTON executive staff. (Commencing Aug 2003 until 2005).
8.Negotiation skills for senior Government officials (executive directors) in A’ Famosa Resort.
9.Human Resources Conference Lumut July 2003. Workshop on Psychological Interviewing.
10.ASLI (Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute). National Human Resource Summit 2003. Workshop on “The Case of Dealing With Difficult People. Venue: Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel.
11.Coordinated a workshop on Global Management at INTAN from 8th to 12th April 2002. Participants were from the Civil service grade M2 who were being promoted to M1.
12.Speaker at workshop on Global Human Resources at INTAN from 11th to 12 April 2002. Participants were from the Civil service grade M2 who were being promoted to M1